Thursday, October 30, 2008


Geraniums just for you Gran because I can never see them without thinking of you!!

My Darling Granny has just turned 85 so I dug out the photos. The photo above is of her and my Grandfather who passed away in 1993.

The first thing my daughter (Gran's Great Granddaughter) said to me when she saw this photo was look at her legs there fantastic I had never taken any notice but now I look yeah they were pretty good for a 62y.o . I'm just wondering if it could possibly be hereditary.LOL!!

For one year I lived at my Grandparents farm during that year they used to drive me to school in the Rolls Royce & yes I used to find it very embarrassing. Try fitting in at a new school with a heap of pubescent girls when all the other girls are dropped off in farm utes & your in the Rolls.

Yes Gran I know you went through The Great Depression and rightly so you should have both been proud for what you achieved but the bloody rolls nearly gave me a great depression!!LOL

Anyway here you are again picture perfect at 65 with your darling dalamation "Shadow" but hey what's with the cat gran, your not a cat lover and anyway it looks like it wants to get down and scram.

Here you are at 70 with your 2nd Great Grandchild & 1st Great Granddaughter my darling Emerald aged 3mths. Funny I still remember after 15yrs how bad her wind was that day thanks for burping her and I don't think I ever did apologize for the mess on your good Sunday dress.

Oh dear 80 came around quick but remember how proud you were this day pictured with your 1st Great Grandchild & 1st Great Grandson my darling Casey. He was 13 & had just become an Australian Army Cadet. Time gets away doesn't it Gran, now he's a real soldier in the Australian Army and so embrassed to say he was ever a cadet, but yet you are so proud of the path he has chosen I relize how important the defence forces are to you & I try to understand what you went through when so many of your friends went to war yet never returned & having to go to work at the age of 12 in a munitions factory.

What more do/ can I say to you Granny you are so much wiser than me -Oh the only other thing is I LOVE YOU XXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOO




Gill - That British Woman said...

that is such a nice post, wish her a happy birthday from me as well. All my grandparents have passed on.

Gill in Canada

Unknown said...

Happy Birthdday Caroline's Gran!!!!!!!!!!


Caroline thanks for the comment today - Sometimes I think it helps to refocus and retrace how you got to a point in your life. And to tell your story out loud.


Anonymous said...

i would have sworn the baby pic was lane!!!!!

Mandy's Pink Home said...

What a loving birthday post to your Gran I hope she had a great Birthday....

Christina said...

Thanks for leaving a comment this morning. I do really need to update more often. I had enjoyed reading your blog.

Tania said...

Happy Birthday to your dear Gran.

I wish my grandparents were still here. I miss them so.

I have an award for you to collect because your blog is hot. Please call by and collect.

Have a great weekend,


Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

What a sweet tribute to your Gran! How lucky you are to still have her here. It makes me miss my Granny!!


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