Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Rain, Rain go away come again another day!!

Our district is in flood at the moment. The rain has been unrelenting since yesterday morning. It is so so wet.

The children have had to come home from school as they have just closed all the schools in the area.

This morning when I awoke I found the Guinea Pig cage had become a dam during the night, the cage was actually holding the water in. Poor pigs were scurrying around trying to find a dry spot.

They were all wet & scruffy but looked incredible cute we made them some hot porridge which they devoured quickly & it soon warmed them up. Then we moved their cage and gave them dry bedding.

Instead of continuing on with my Autumn cleaning today I have declared, what we call in our house "Doona Day". Quilts & rugs on the lounge, T.V or a loved book or just having a good chat. No housework/homework allowed but something yummy to eat and we will have a great day together.

Hope you have a great day too.
Caroline xoxo


Mandy's Pink Home said...

WOW I didn't realize you were getting that much rain,I must watch the news and weather tonight to get up to date....
I love the idea of your Doona Day......I hope you are all enjoying it..Blessings Mandy:)

Joolz said...

Ooh, I desperately need a doona day. Can't say I've ever had one of those, especially where you don't do any housework. I seem to spring off the couch half way through a movie just to hang washing out or check something. OCD me! I have another busy time ahead of me this weekend. Oh, for a doona day!

I do hope the floods don't affect you.

Cheers - Joolz

Lisha said...

Sounds like a great idea! We've had a fair bit of rain down here too not quite flooding rain.

Stay dry and snuggly.


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