Well I am back again in fact I have been back for a few days now but have not had the heart to do much -even blog.

I went back home to Roma for Easter for the "Easter in the Country" Celebrations that they hold each year. I was so looking forward to it but it ended up being a nightmare.
My four y.o Filly went missing I had sent her out there to get some more cattle work but when we went out to get her she was the only one not in the mob. She was running in a fourteen & a half thousand acre paddock. Horses by nature are herd animals and by instinct they do not leave a herd unless sick, injured or taken. We have rode & rode & rode some more but have failed to find any trace of her we have driven boundaries & walked breakaways all for no avail. Has she been taken?? Was she snake bit & went down only to have the wild pigs clean her up?? I have seen pigs clean up the carcass of a cow completely in only 1 night. Who knows!!
Of all the horses that could have gone missing though it had to be her. Although it is quite selfish of me to think I wish it could have been just a station horse one that is ridden by a different ringer every muster & has no sentimental value to anyone.
I have had her Mother since I was a teenager and competed very very successfully on her before breeding this foal in 2004. I searched high & low & studied blood lines late into the night to find a stallion that could do my mare justice. Breeding athleticism, Brains,performance and conformation into the same horse isn't easy. I decided to breed her to The National Halter Horse of Australia(3times over) and on the night of 25 September 2004 at 10.30 my little filly was born. She was a very special horse she turned out to be everything I bred for and the extra bonus of her being a filly was wonderful as I would be able to keep the bloodline going. She was a neonatal maladjusted foal at birth -due to my mare having dystocia. She cost me 3 Thousand dollars before she turned 3 weeks old. I broke her in myself but she has been away at trainers that has cost me up to $10 000 a year.
I put her Mother down in 2007 which was peaceful she was old, she had, had a very special life and it was time for her to leave she lays at rest in my backyard with our 2 old children's ponies.
But this one has cut me to the core I have no closure as we do not know if she has died or was taken. She is Micro chipped, DNA'd & Registered which is good, but hope is all I have at the moment and of course some lovely memories.
Anyway I hope you all had a better Easter then I did I have since got sick and am on antibiotics that make me even sicker. I really do believe it is just from the stress of everything that is making me off. It is the anniversary of my late husbands death on Wednesday that is bad enough on it's own. I hope you enjoy looking at the photos of my "T.J" as I know this is a long sooky post!!
Caroline I am so sad for you,she is a beatuiful looking horse...I hope you start to feel better son will be thinking of you...
Oh Caroline, my heart breaks for you .... I cannot imagine how it much feel to lose such a beautiful animal. I do hope you hear something soon ... you must feel so helpless. You will be in my thoughts (((hug)))
Willow xx
She's so lovely in the photos. I'm crying for you and sending you many (HUGS) across the miles. So much sadness to go through and ending up sick to boot. I'm so sorry!
I just posted another Oopsy adventure when you are feeling up to popping over for a look.
My ds1 said to tell you he's praying for you!
Caroline email me which property she was on my older boys are out there all the time pig and roo shooting so if it happens to be on any of the properties they frequent i will get them all to keep an eye out. As you know they range hundreds of kilometers in a night, over a few properties.
so so sorry but keep the faith she will turn up probably in foal to some low life station hack.
Thank you Mandy for your kind words-as always!!
Thank you Willow yes she was a very very special filly I work with approx 30 different horses a week & yes she was different.
flmom- I think your little ds rocks!! What a sweetheart.
Hi caroline
Sorry to hear about your lovely horse. I do hope you find out what happened to her - or even better - find her alive and well. Could she have been stolen? Hope you are feeling better soon.
- Joolz
Oh Caroline, T.J. looks like such a beautiful horse and it sounds like she was your dream horse from all the time & planning you put into her. I hope that there are still people looking for her. I just said a prayer for you that she will turn up. Sorry that your Easter day was a bummer.I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. April is a mixed bag of blessings and sadness for me too.My daddy passed away 4/21/94 (15yrs today) and I still miss him.Hang in there friend.love,Cassie
ps-A song I never heard before was playing as I read your posts. It was something about a baby girl,which I thought appropriate since today is the anniversary of Daddy's death and I am the middle "child", but the baby girl.
Keeping you and yours in our thoughts and prayers...
Oopsy's 4th adventure is posted if you feel like dropping by.
Caroline such sad news! Hoping for a miracle, that you find TJ - she looks beautiful. Hoping you are well soon!
Hi Caroline,
Im so sorry this has happened to you, She is such a beautiful horse. Hope you are on the mend now. Hugs
Thanks Jackie & Vintage Rose for your kind thoughts.
daisymum email sent!!
Cassie you always cheer me.
and as for you Joolz I know where you are. (well maybe) The police stock squad are investigating for "TJ" just to be sure.
flmom my post is up for Oopsy.Thank you.
Thank you ALL your kind words reaffirm why I love blogging.
Bless your heart!!! Boy, you've been Through it!!
Here's praying she shows up and I can Only imagine how you must feel today...Here's a huge ((((HUG)))) sweetie!!!hughugs
She's gorgeous Caroline, I'm sorry it's been such a tough week for you. I only wish you well and your filly found and memories of loved ones are good ones. Things will get better, chin up chooky!
I saw the photo of the horse one day when I was visiting people, but didn't have the time to read a lot of details, thought it was a beautiful horse.
I have two houses, and could only blog in the car outside my husband's work on his laptop and some other days because we moved the broadband prematurely, so forgive me please for not commenting. I have missed you and Mandy and Tania.
The other day was my first day here, yesterday I think, I was not up to blogging then either, today I was out shopping.
14 thousand acres is alot, we had 1,000 acre paddock with cows in it. You must be fit, sounds like you put in a lot of work, but I guess it was tiring as well.
I had antibiotics and coffee once, was off my tree and never drunk it much again.
I haven't ever forgotten my horses, they were sold. I think of different things I did with them sometimes.
I am a loss for words now, it is very sad, especially about the closure.
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